
Bri Edwards - Something Has Been Eating ME! ..... [I'll let this be a surprise poem; Personal]

2014-06-12 19 Dailymotion

This year I have turned 65?
Apparently I’m still alive.
But today will spell the last....
of much to which I’ve held fast.

As a kid I enjoyed each sweet treat,
and getting older I still did eat......
pies, and cookies, and also cakes,
but LESS CANDY, for goodness sakes.

I lost two close friends.....
when breakdowns caused their ends.
Where they were is now hollow;
I swore I would not, them, follow!

I now still eat some sweets,
but more so fruits and meats,
AND vegetables galore.
I’d like to chew some more.

Did I mention my “grinding” past?
Today it’s ME who’ll be ground at last.
Before long, what’s left of me will wear a crown,
but NOT due to any great renown.

Something’s been eating ME.*
AND today the grinding’s NOT for free.
[Good thing for good dental insurance.
And I bet that “Bri” is in concurrence.]

(September 23,2013)

Bri Edwards
